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Rob doesn"t does his homework. He ............... a friend. At the weekend they .................... to the zoo. They ............................. to

1-4 класс

the park.

Ёжик2015 14 марта 2015 г., 14:17:19 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
14 марта 2015 г., 17:02:03 (9 лет назад)

doesnt DO, He IS a friend, they ARE GOING, they ARE GOING

+ 0 -
14 марта 2015 г., 19:48:40 (9 лет назад)

Rob doest't do his homework. He has a friend. At the weekend they will go to the zoo. They will go to the park.
Перевод: Роб не делает свою домашнюю работу. У него есть друг. На выходных они пойдут в зоопарк. Они пойдут в парк.


Другие вопросы из категории

помогите поставте слова в правильном порядке

1) school / Were / at / they / yesteday?
2) summer / mountains / he / last / Was / the / in /

допоможіть висловити речення, якщо вони не відповідають дійсності, а саме: приклад The birds don't sing in spring. you are don't right. the

birds in spring.

саме завдання: it is very warm in winter. it is very cold in spring. Taras plays football in winter. the fields are white with snow in winter. he can make a snowman in spring. there are many flowers in the parks in spring. we can ski and skate in spring.

Упр1, помогите пожалуйста !

Читайте также

мама рассказывает Юфо по телефоне о его младшем брате Юко.Но из-за плохой связи Юфо всё время приходится переспрашивать.Восстанови его вопросы uco qets at

6sm.Uco rums in the psrk in the morninq.Uco has breakfast 7.45 am.He comes home at 2o clok.He does his homework.He has tea at half past five.Uco qoes to bed at nine o clok.When does he qetup?Where does he.....? What does he...?When...?What?When...?When...?

мама рассказывает Юфо по телефону о его младшем брате Юко.Но из-за плохой связи Юфо всё время приходится переспрашивать.Восстанови его вопросы Uco qets up

at 6 am.Uco runs in the park in the morninq.Uco has breakfast at 7.45 am.He comes home at 2 o clock.He does his homework.He has tea at half past five.UCO qoes to bed at nine o clock.-When does he qet up?-Where does he....?-What does he....?-When...? What...? When...?When...?

Упражнение 180

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.

I (to take) my sister to school now.
I (to take) her to school every day.
He (to help) his father now.
He (to help) his father very often.
At the moment they (to go) to the river for a swim.
They usually (to go) to the river for a swim.
She (to play) the violin now.
She (to play) the violin every day.
I (to read) now.
I (to read) every day.
He (to sleep) now.
He (to sleep) every night.
We (to drink) tea now.
We (to drink) tea every morning.
They (to go) to school now.
They (to go) to school every morning.
I (not to sleep) now.
I (not to sleep) in the day time.
She (not to drink) coffee now.
She (not to drink) coffee after lunch.
We (not to watch) TV now.
We (not to watch) TV in the morning.
They (not to eat) now.
They (not to eat) at the lesson.
My mother (not to work) now.
My mother (not to work) at an office.
You (to work) now?
You (to work) every day?
He (to play) now?
He (to play) in the afternoon?
They (to eat) now?
They (to eat) at school?
Your sister (to rest) now?
Your sister (to rest) after school?
What you (to do) now?
What you (to do) every morning?
What you (to read) now?
What you (to read) after dinner?
What they (to eat) now?
What they (to eat) for breakfast?
What your brother (to drink) now?
What your brother (to drink) in the evening?
Everybody (to have) a good time now?
Everybody (to have) a good time every Saturday?
She (to take) medicine now?
How often she (to take) medicine?
Where they (to go) now?
Where they (to go) on Sunday?
They (to speak) English now?
What languages they usually (to speak)

Из перечисленный слов, выберите нужное

1. My brother ____ go shopping once a week. ( may, have to, has to)
2. _____ i have another of juice? ( do, am, may)
3. You ____ be polite. ( may, have to, has to)
4. You _____ go for a walk. It is very cold outside. ( may not, may, can)
5. Does she _____ work on Sundays? ( may, have to, has to)
6. You ____ visit your friend at the weekend if you like. ( may, have to, has to)

Юфо прочитал текст о Тайни невнимательно. Исправь его утверждения. Образец In the morning Tiny watches TV.- In the morning Tiny does not watch

TV. He goes to school.

1)After breakfast Tiny does his homework.

2)Tiny has lunch at half past two.

3)After lunch Tine plays the piano.

4)His friends visit him in the afternoon.

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