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Помогите, пожалуйста!Поставьте предложения в past simple or present perfect. Помогите, пожалуйста!

5-9 класс

Поставьте предложения в past simple or present perfect!
1. Mary …… (never/go) to Paris, so she’s very excited about her journey.
2. McDonalds ….. (open) a new restaurant near my house, but I (not/go) there yet.
3. My father ….. (give up) smoking two years ago and he (not/smoke) a cigarette since then.
4. She ….. (live) in Rome for ten years, but she ….. (not/return) there since she ….. (move) to Florence.
5. The postman ….. (just/deliver) the letters. Here you are, Sam!
6. I ….. (learn) to drive when I ….. (be) 20, but I ….. (never/enjoy) driving.
7. It ….. (rain) since this morning.
8. Mum ….. (buy) a new type of cheese. Do you want to taste it?
9. Luke ….. (not/ride) a motorbike since his accident.
10. I ….. (not/hear) much of Tom lately.
11. What time …. (you/go) to the gym yesterday? I ….. (not/see) you.

Daniilm99 23 окт. 2014 г., 18:54:49 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
23 окт. 2014 г., 21:25:16 (9 лет назад)

1.        Mary …has never gone  to Paris, so she’s very excited about her journey.


Другие вопросы из категории

Измените следующие предложения в отрицательных и вопросительных формах.

1. Mobile phones have a negative effect on our life.
2. Our lives are much easier today.
3. Most people believe in better life in the future.
4. You came to my birthday party last year.
5. She saw two policemen running after a robber.
6. I ran into an old friend at the supermarket yesterday.
7. They visit their grandmother every Sunday afternoon.
8. I broke my brother’s new camera.
9. The play starts in ten minutes.
10. I’m cooking dinner this evening.

Переведите пожалуйста текст (не пользуясь переводчиком) для уровня 6 класса

Фруктовый салат.


1 банана

2 апельсин

1 груша

2 яблока

2 киви

1 стакан грецких орехов

3 стакана йогурта


Все фрукты вымыть. Банан нарезать кружочками, яблоки, грушу,
апельсины и киви нарезать кубиками. Смешать все продукты добавить грецкие
орехи. Заправить йогуртом.

Всем привет,я написал сочинение на тему "Лондон" проверьте у меня пожалуйста.

London is large and great city.In London have theaters,museums,cinemas,parks and gardens.In London a lot of tourist.Londoners speak in English with a beautiful accent.Usually Londoners live on the first floor,on ground floor have a shops,gardens,garages.I love London!

Ошибки напишите внизу,заранее спасибо

Читайте также

A)РАСКРОЙТЕ СКОБКИ (Past simple or present perfect) 1)Helen (to invite) her classmates to her home last monday.They had a good time


2)... you (to buy) any christmas present?-not yet

3)Tom (to be)already to the library.He is reading a very interesting book.

4)Alice (to collect) english and german coins last year.

5)I (to do) my homework. I can go out with my friends.


1) Do you like the salad?I have made it...............

2)When you look in the mirror,you can see..............

3)Mrs Wilson told her children ,<<Look at........in the morror!>>

4)I like Mary`s dress.Did she make it..........?

5)He looked at........in the mirror and laughed.

6)We didn`t like the party.We didn`t enjoy.....

7)Jack,you will enjoy...........if you travel by train.

8)Thank you for a nice day.I have ehjoyed...........

9)<<I can`t tell him the truth now>> she said to.........

10)All the peole where enjoying...........


Помогите пожалуйста!

Past Simple or Present Perfect?1) We already _______ the Zoological Society of London. (join)
2) Our class _______ to the Zoo yesterday. (go)
3) Last year my family _____ to the Black Sea. (go)
4) She just ______ from Italy. (return) She _____ there last year.
5) Yesterday they ______ a party. (have)
6) Last week we ______ a composition. (write)
7) I ______ to Boston yet. (not be)
8) The pupils _____ the new rule last Monday. (not understand)
9) Kate and Jess _____ a nice cat recently.
10) Two days ago my friend and I _____ an UFO. (see)

Поставить предложение в Past Simpl или в Past Cont. 1 Пока мы гуляли в парке,начался дождь (Past cont) 2 Я играл в компьютерные игры в 5 часов вчера(

Past Cont) 3 Вчера я играл в компьютерные игры (Past Simpl) 4 Вчера в 5 часов я не спал (Past cont) 5 Что он делал вчера?Он читал книгу (Past Simpl) 6 Мой брат не играл в теннис вчера(Past Simpl) 7 Моя сестра не играла на пианино в 6 часов вчера (Past Cont) 8 Она играла на пианино весь вечер вчера(Past Cont) 9 Когда я вошел в кухню мама готовила( Past Cont) 10 Почему она спала с 5 до 6 вчера (Past Cont)

ПОМОГИТЕ ПРОШУ!!Заполните диалог с Past Simple или Past Progressive глаголов в скобках.

A: Hey Patrick! What`s up?B: You won`t believe what 1)___ (happen) to me last night.A: Go on, tell me.B: As I 2)___ (return) home from work, 3) I___ (find) a wallet with 3,000 euros.A: Wow! What 4)___(you\do)?B: I 5)___(take) it to the police station and the owner 6)___(give) me 100 euros to thank me.A: Lucky you!Comlete the dialogues with the Past Simple or the Past Progressive of the verbs in brackets.A: Hey Patrick! What`s up?B: You won`t believe what 1)___ (happen) to me last night.A: Go on, tell me.B: As I 2)___ (return) home from work, 3) I___ (find) a wallet with 3,000 eurous.A: Wow! What 4)___(you\do)?B: I 5)___(take) it to the police station and the owner 6)___(give) me 100 euros to thank me.A: Lucky you!

Помогите плиз пожалуйста.

Complete the sentences using Past Simple or Present Perfect.
Model: They _____ in a new project. (take part/last year) They took part in a new project last year. We ________ to Paris (never/be). We have never been to Paris.
1. The artist __________________________ a new picture. (finish/already)
2. Look at Tom’s dirty jeans! He _____________________ a fight (have/just).
3. Three months ago Alice ___________ a zoological society. (join)
4. Last week our class ___________ Natural Science museum. (visit)
5. I ________________ my friend at the library. (just/meet)
6. The old lady _________ with her kitten (yesterday/play).
7. _______ you ______ to London? (ever/be)

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