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Помогите по ин.зу. Составить предложения с этими словосочетаниями! contain an innovative idea achieve the goal inspire

10-11 класс

other researchers

construct buildings and bridges

be ahead of their time

run over the budget

run behind schedule

Laloshka 25 нояб. 2013 г., 2:55:27 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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25 нояб. 2013 г., 4:13:21 (10 лет назад)

1. The plan of the city development contains an innovative solution for roads development. 2. The manager explained his idea on how to achieve company's goal. 3. This scientific discovery inspired other researchers to work with this material further. 4. This building company constructs different building and bridges in the region. 5. With his scientific works he was far ahead of his time. 6. This project ran over the budget long ago. 7. We run behind the schedule in this work, we should stick to deadlines.


Другие вопросы из категории

Употребите модальные глаголы could, should, ought to там где необходимо ... you open the door, please? We did an exam yesterday. We ... do six questions

out of ten . I'm sorry I ... (not) come yesterday, l ... work late. It's late and you're very tired. You ... go to bed. I wanted to speak to Martin yesterday but l ... not find him.

Change the sentences into Passive.Измените предложения в пассивный.

1. My partner told me the news yesterday.

2. Our company makes good profits every year.

3. The secretary will bring him the mail.

4. The tourists are filling in the forms.

5. They were building a new supermarket last August.

6. We have invited our counterpart to the restaurant.

составьте 2 предложения и данных слов.

С-1. she, the Orendurg, agrarian, studies, college, at.
C-2. is, a student, she.

Читайте также

Срочно!!! Составьте предложения с этими


(По одному предложению на каждое слово).

помогите составить предложения с этими словами to prepare for smth. – _________________________________________;

to be greatly surprised – _________________________________________;
in silence – _________________________________________;
to be confused – _________________________________________;
to compete in smth. – _________________________________________;
for smb’s sake – _________________________________________;
to do research – _________________________________________;
to be defeated – _________________________________________;

Помогите составить предложения с этими идиомами:(можно и на русском предложения) 1.bee in the bonnet (навязчивая идея) 2.black sheep (бела

я ворона)

3.bookworm (книжный червь)

4.fish out of water (не в своей тарелке)

5.fly on the wall (наблюдать со стороны)

6.let the cat out of the bag (раскрыть секрет)

7.rat race (бешеная погоня,гонка на выживание)

помогите составить предложения с этими словами., пожалуйста, а то голова уже не варит wheeze(сопеть,

хрипеть), catch a cold(простудиться), vomit(тошнить, рвать), infection(инфекция), chest(грудная клетка), blow(прочищать нос), rash(сыпь), runny(сопливый(о носе)), blocked nose(заложенный нос)

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